Thank you for your interest to serve on our Creative Arts Team! There are a few things we want you to know about our volunteer positions. First, know that as a volunteer in this ministry, you’re in a leadership position. The congregation here will watch what you say and do closely both on and off stage. We have an amazing opportunity to show people Jesus through our lives! It’s also a great time to show that your joy and worship of Jesus Christ goes far beyond the stage or booth. As a team member, your lifestyle is important to us. We want to make sure who you are on Sunday is who you are the rest of the week.
There are several issues that are important to us and which are in line with Thrive’s values and beliefs. We provide this Creative Arts Team Agreement to everyone who submits a volunteer application (prior to auditioning or serving) for you to pray about and make sure you feel that your values line up with ours.
Our team uses technology in every area! You will need to be willing to learn and use technology and programs which include apps for the sound system, Planning Center, ProPresenter, Thrive’s website, cameras, phones, etc. We also use Facebook as a major part in our communication for training, connecting, fellowship, etc. A large part of our team training is about technology and team values! We strongly encourage everyone to have a Facebook account so that you can remain up to date on information, videos for training, updates on our systems, etc.
Timeline of Audition for Worship Team Only
After you submit a Worship Application, we will follow up with you on questions that we have relating to your applications. We understand that it may be awkward answering tough questions. Thrive Worship Team is a position of leadership. We don’t expect our team members to be perfect, but we do honor maturity in this leadership volunteer position. We ask for transparency and willingness to grow from all of our potential team members. Below is the timeline of the audition process. These may or may not be in this exact order due to scheduling:
Worship Application submitted online
Respond to leaders’ follow up questions regarding application
Submit the Team Agreement online
Attend Connect
Attend at least 2 rehearsals
Audition via video or schedule an in person audition
We will get back with you via email within 72 hours which will provide feedback and next steps!
Two of our team values are to consume criticism and starve mediocrity. We love challenging each other to give the best of our talents to God! Thrive Church values getting connected. If you feel that you would like to get involved in a different serve team after the audition process, we would be honored to help you find the perfect fit!
Getting Connected and Onboarding
Before scheduling you on the team, we would like for you to attend Connect and rehearsals for Worship, Sound, and Propresenter only on Thursdays from 6:30-8pm. At Connect, you will learn about Thrive Church and get to ask any questions that you may have. At our rehearsals at each location, you will be able to learn about our team. Once on the team, Thursday rehearsals are a requirement for our team. We understand life happens, so please let us know if you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from coming to rehearsal, please text/email your rehearsal leader as soon as possible. Sundays also require a lot of commitment. Our Richmond campus arrives at 8:30 am for Sunday rehearsal and our Chesterfield team begins rehearsals on Sundays at 7:15 am. If you feel that this schedule is too strenuous for you, please let us know.
Social Behavior
Social Media can be a great tool. If you blog or are active on social media, both inside and outside of church, we would love to follow you through those platforms! We think social media can be a great way to connect with friends and neighbors, invite them to church and share what Thrive is up to! However, they’ll also be able to see everything you post publicly. Please leverage your social media with your group in a positive way. Ask yourself, “If I was “unchurched”, would I view my actions in a positive way, wanting to know more about Jesus and Thrive, or would I be turned off by my actions?” Please be mindful of these guidelines. We may ask you not to serve or step down for inappropriate posting/comments/photos.
Sexual Behavior
We believe that sex was created by God as an expression of intimacy within the context of marriage (between man and woman). Volunteers who embrace a lifestyle that contradicts this teaching will find themselves having to pretend to be something they’re not and believe something they don’t. To prevent you from a potentially awkward situation, we ask that you do not join the team if you do not agree with Thrive’s view on marriage. You may also be asked to take a break from serving or step down for behavior that is not in accordance to these beliefs.
Substance Behavior
If you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse, this might be something God uses in a positive way to impact those around you. We’d love to talk with you further about your story and how it can impact others in our ministry. We have a few guidelines and reasons that we may ask you not to serve at this time:
If you have been arrested for or convicted of an alcohol or drug-related offense in the past twelve months.
If you are currently using or being treated for alcohol or drug abuse.
Respecting your Leaders and Teammates
This applies to leaders and team members, alike. Showing love and respect to those you are serving with is what creates a dynamic team. It is very important that we value the time of others by showing up for rehearsals and services early/on-time, coming prepared by knowing our part and structure of every song, listening to the leader as they give instruction and directions, (leaders doing so in a loving way), following through with what they’ve asked, and showing grace and patience when something isn’t going as planned. We love building relationships with our team and value time together, whether that is through fellowship or learning opportunities. Every team member is required to come to any team trainings, and we hope that you will choose to come to our fellowship gatherings to build relationships get to know the team, outside of service. It is equally important to show your dedication to Thrive by being in service, even when you are not serving. It’s important that others don’t view your commitment as only coming to church to be seen. You may be asked to step down or be put on a suspension for the following reasons:
- If you come unprepared to rehearsal, not knowing the songs, your part and structure. If there is something that is hindering your ability to practice on your own during the week, please let us know.
- If you are consistently late to rehearsal and/or Sunday services when you are scheduled. We know that emergencies/life happens (but it doesn’t happen every week), therefore, please let the team leader know if you will be late, with a valid reason.
- If you do not do what the leader has asked you to do, argue, or cause tension among the team.
- If you consistently do not come to the team trainings. Please let us know if there is an extenuating circumstance that does not allow you to come.