our values

Our mission is simple - Your growth matters to us! 

We want to see you take your next steps in your faith. We also want to help you embrace values that can help you take those next steps in your spiritual life. Our vision is for you to grow, take your next steps, and thrive in all you do!


Luke 19:10 - "The Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost." Matthew 28:18-20 - "Go and "as you are going" make disciples..."

Our conviction is that every Believer should live their daily life on mission to reach people far from God with the Gospel. Missions flows mission. When we grasp a mission-life mindset we view our context as a mission field. People far from God are close to our heart and His heart. If every Believer views their life as a daily mission then they are ready to share the Gospel and build relationships where God places them. As people do this, lives are transformed and our world reflects the Gospel. 

We want to empower Believers to live on Mission by:

  • Teaching them to be sensitive to God and look for opportunities to share the Gospel with those around them on their daily journey.
  • Providing opportunities for Believers to engage the mission of God through local and global missions.
  • Providing teaching and resources to help Believers build relationships with their friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors.


Acts 2:42 - "All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lords Supper), and to prayer."

Our conviction is that every Believer should regularly connect with other Followers of Christ in a small group context, apart from the larger Sunday gathering. In the 1st Century, the Church met over meals. That's a beautiful word that gives us the word picture of intimacy with others. 

We believe that "circles" are better than "rows." Deep growth happens in the context of relationship and conversation. Doing life alone results in loneliness, bad decisions, a narrow minded theology and isolation. "Sharing in meals" with others helps Believers feel connected and valuable. 

Our semester small groups are the main vehicle through which this happens, however, the goal is that people serve together, meet together, eat together, and do life together. We do this by:

  • Encouraging and helping every attendee get connected beyond a Sunday gathering. We will help them personally find a place to serve, connect with a group, and encourage relationships beyond church functions.
  • Keeping a pulse on the connectedness of people through our staff and ministry team leaders.  We will use our Path process data and personal interaction to help people develop deeper relationships.


Ephesians 4:13-14 - "This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. Then we will no longer be immature like children."

Our conviction is that every Believer should strive to grow in maturity. This means they strive for maturity in relationships (emotionally), in their walk with God (spiritually), and as a leader.

We believe that a healthy church is better than a big church. The local church is comprised of the attendees. So, as attendees grow in the areas we listed, the church gets healthier. The healthier the church, the more it can help other people get healthy. It starts with the leaders first. A healthy, mature church has healthy, mature leaders.

We seek to accomplish this by:

  • Challenging all attendees to deal with conflict in a healthy manner and become introspective about emotional issues; then rely upon the Holy Spirit to help them. 
  • Sending leaders to conferences and have training to help them grow as leaders.
  • Providing verse by verse teaching that comes alongside of the Believer as they study the Bible systematically.
  • Continuing to use groups as a vehicle to help people mature.
  • Dealing with detrimental conflict in a loving and quick manner. We will help people talk to others instead of talking about others.


Acts 6:1a - "But as the believers rapidly multiplied..."

Genesis 1:28a - "Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply..."

Our conviction is that Believers should be involved in multiplication personally and as a local church. Disciples make disciples and churches plant churches. Believers should be involved at reproducing and replacing themselves. The local church should also be involved in reproducing.  The goal is for disciples to make disciples, who in turn make disciples. The goal for the local church is to help plant churches who in turn want to plant churches.

According to research (LifeWay), the number one way for people far from God to be reached is by starting brand new churches who want to reach people. This means that the local church must have a plan to raise up reproducing leaders so they can start reproducing churches.

We will live out this value by:

  • Helping church planters with money, resources, ideas, and coaching.
  • Planting churches from our locations.
  • Developing a clear leadership path for selecting and raising up leaders.
  • Put emphasis on leaders who reproduce and replace themselves.